Friday, October 30, 2009

A Beautiful Fall Day in October

Hi, My name is Pepsi. I have been playing in the beautiful leaves in the backyard. Mommy thought i had changed colors!! But,no, I fooled her! I just put my whole body under the leaves and hid for a few. When i came out of the leaves i was covered from head to toe! So, mommy did what she does best...she brushed me clean of all of those pretty leaves, so now i will have to do it all over again!!


  1. Ohhhhhhh!!! Mis Holly, the bearde collie sent me a message. I was so happy to hear from her. She's a sweetheat!!! I am so happy to have her as a friend. She's lovely!!

  2. hello my best friend pepsi!! i am so glad you have a blog! im also so glad that you have a brother mason!! i found pictures of him on facebook and he's so pretty just like you. this blogging stuff is very confusing i wrote you the nicest long letter and then it went away and wouldn't let me send it to you so i'm writing again. i play in the leaves too. at first when we moved to this house the leaves scared me because i didn't have them before i had needles and cones but this house has no needles and cones, but has leaves. that's funny. i was very good at pine cone crafts so i kinda miss it but i like how the leaves float in the air and dont just go thunk. sometimes they would hit me on the head. that's not fun. i will read your blog every day!!! you are my best friend and mason will be my other best friend! i have some brothers and sister but i don't know where they went. love Holly

  3. Hi Miss Holly,

    I am going to a Halloween party in a few minutes but mommy promised I would not have to get dressed up in one of those silly costumes. She said i would be the most handsome boy there and she's right!!! I sure do wish I could see you in person. Maybe someday. You are my best little friend and I love you. I have to go but will write more tomorrow!!-Love Your Best Friend,Pepsi

  4. dear pepsi, i bet u were the handsomest boy at the party and i'm glad u didn't have to wear a costume because it would have hidden your handsomosity. my mommy took my sister to a party but i didn't go and i helped daddy hand out candy. i was very good and i didn't bark once and i was sure glad to see mommy come home because i feel safe when she is here. i did many pretty tricks when i saw her because i missed her so much. i wish i could always be with her or she would always stay home. i behave very well when i go places i really do! i hope we can meet some day too because you are my bestest friend. my sister has a girl in england who is her bestest online friend and they got to meet so maybe we can some day too! i love you and hope u had fun. love holly

  5. Dear Miss Holly, I had so much fun. The little girls and boys wanted to pet me and i love that. They were so very sweet,like you. We had a lot of people coming to get candy and just to talk...well some of them ask mommy if they could take me for a walk. Mommy let a couple of them who were neighbors walk me and they had their babies with them too. Dexter came by and so did Miss Lucky but Miss Holly I wish you could have been here, because i would have had mommy and your mommy take us both for a walk together and we could talk and maybe kiss.......just a little!!!!! I love you Miss Holly...Good Night!!!

  6. hello my pepsi how are you today? i've been working on my blog and playing with catses. the sun is out and it's very warm here. how is your mommy and your twin brovver? have you been playing and haveing fun? i hope so. love your best fwind holly
